Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What Exactly is Stained Glass?

Stained glass is the material of colored glass, most widely known for being used for creating windows. The glass is usually colored using metallic salts while it is still in liquid form, and then poured into a frame that gives it the different colored sections that make up the picture as a whole. If you ever have the chance to watch a stained glass window in the making, don’t pass it up. It requires great skill on the part of the designers, and is definitely interesting to watch. Here are some more details on the process of the creation of stained glass.

Before any materials are used, the stained glass window maker will plan out the entire project. This includes the exact pattern that will be used on the window, the amount of materials that will be used, and so on. Then, the frame for the window will be made. This isn’t just the outside outline, but the metal that the glass sits between. It used to be made by creating a mold in the shape of the metal, then pouring it in and letting it dry. The metal goes in between each individual piece of colored glass, and is usually shaped in some sort of ornamental way on the edges.

Next, after the metal frame has solidified, the maker will create a sort of color by number based on his previous plans. Many times, a certain color will be used in more than one square, so he will want to be sure to get all of it the first time. He can create a little map that will help him know which colors go where. After this, he can melt down the glass he will be using, into several different buckets (as many buckets as there are colors in his window). Each bucket will have the coloring added, usually some sort of salt that has been mined. It is what gives the glass its stained color. After he has the colors prepared, he simply pours the glass in to the corresponding sectors of the frame.

This process is much more complicated when it actually occurs, but it should give you an idea for what all goes in to the making of a stained glass window. Usually months of planning and crafting go into it before the actual work described here starts.

How Stained Glass Windows Work

If you have ever visited an older church structure, you have most likely seen some of the grand stained glass windows that decorate so many churches. These windows are made by skilled professionals who are able to create scenes depicting religious events or interesting patterns. These windows do a lot to make a church look much more beautiful to visitors. The windows are traditionally provided hand-made by local firms that specialize in creating them, although some of the market has been taken over by industrial companies who produce stained glass windows by the dozen.

Those who made stained glass windows in the past were regarded as very skilled. There was usually just one person who made stained glass windows in each city, and he was commissioned for enough jobs to live off of, even if it was only 1 or 2 per year. A church wasn’t considered complete without a stained glass window. Usually the windows were seen as defining the church, along with the pattern used in the window. The patterns are meant to reflect the ideals or the faith of the church that displays them. If you learn to recognize certain patterns or objects that are shown in the windows, they will tell you lots about the church.

Stained glass windows are not made by painting windows, as many people would believe. On the contrary, the glass is melted into large pots. Metallic salts are added to the melted glass, which causes it to turn the desired color. The glass is then poured into a metal frame that holds all of the panes in place. The frame is then erected on the church, and there you have it. A beautiful stained glass window. The process usually takes a few weeks, since careful planning is required regarding the pattern and the colors. Often, advanced artist techniques are used with the colors to make them as beautiful as possible.

The tradition of stained glass windows in churches continues on today. You would be hard pressed to find a church that doesn’t proudly display a stained glass window or two. There are a few differences in the manufacturing processes today, and some would say that the windows are less authentic. But the meaning behind them is still there, and they still create a great decoration and focal point for any church.

The Many Patterns of Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows play an integral part in the architecture of many churches, old and new. They are what set churches apart from other buildings, and are very sought after. When the window maker is commissioned for the windows, much thought is put into the patterns that will be used. There are many different choices that are commonly used by churches when installing stained glass windows. Here these types will be outlined, along with their significance to the church. You will look at stained glass windows in a different way when you realize the sheer amount of deliberation that goes into choosing the pattern.

Sometimes, if more than one window is involved in the order, the church will choose patterns that attempt to describe some sort of significant story from the bible. Each frame will show a different step in the story, and sometimes be accompanied by an engraving or stained glass text with a bible verse pertaining to the story. Usually each frame also has some sort of deeper meaning. The philosophy of these is usually contemplated over a long period of time, until the church can decide on a stained glass window scene that is the best choice for the situation.

But not all stained glass window patterns have to tell a story. Many of them depict symbols or patterns that are significant to the church. You will see many that are simply crosses with a mosaic of random colors surrounding them. Celtic crosses are also very popular things to depict in stained glass windows, and their patterns are often quite complex. Other symbols include things with religious importance, such as a dove. It usually also depends on the denomination of the church, since different ones have different things that they place importance on.

If you don’t understand what a stained glass pattern is supposed to mean, you should ask the pastor of the church that it is located in. Many stained glass window patterns have very interesting theology or stories behind them, and if you inquire then you will more often than not find out something that you didn’t know. Stained glass windows have been around for a very long time, and have always seemed to have a deeper meeting than we can realize. So if you start delving into this meaning, you are sure to find something that will interest you.

Stained Glass Lighting

If you are looking for an interesting and alternative lighting fixture, you should consider purchasing a stained glass lighting setup. There are many different types of stained glass lighting available, and all of them are much more interesting than any regular lighting fixture. Instead of just plain white light being radiated, stained glass lighting provides an assortment of colors which are shined up onto the ceiling or wall in interesting patterns. It’s like the difference between having plain white walls and having an accent wall. It adds spice to your house without being too obnoxious.

Many restaurants and other public establishments used stained glass lighting for each of their tables. If you go to one of these restaurants, you will get an idea for how it looks and what kind of atmosphere it provides. I have found that most of these restaurants feel fairly classy without being too uptight, and I think this is largely thanks to the ambience provided by the stained glass lighting. Once you have decided that you would like to get a stained glass lighting fixture, you will have to decide from the different subcategories and types of stained glass lighting that is available.

First of all, you can choose to get a hanging fixture. These are usually dome-shaped, and hang below the actual light bulb. These ones are usually designed with glass that is less transparent, and therefore the colors don’t shine through. The room is still well-lit, but it is designed in a way that it doesn’t create a kaleidoscope effect on the room. These are generally the best hanging fixtures to choose, although you can get some that will create the color mosaic effect, but only on the ceiling. It just depends on how colorful you want your room to be.

You can also choose to have a sitting fixture. These are placed either on the ground, or on a table or desk. Therefore the lengths vary from fixture to fixture, but usually they have the same basic structure. The bulb is at the end like a regular lamp, and the stained glass component hangs around it like a delicate lampshade. These are very beautiful pieces of lighting, but have the potential of looking fairly tacky in a room that doesn’t complement them. So as long as you are sure your room is ready to have a stained glass light in it, you will find that it is a great thing to have.

Finding a Stained Glass Lamp

Are you dissatisfied with your current lamp? Finding a nice and tasteful lamp that fits in with the rest of your furniture is vital in creating a pleasant home. So if you feel that you would like to have a type of lamp that isn’t very common, you should look in to getting a stained glass lamp. Throughout a metal frame, panels of glass are installed to create a sort of mosaic of colors. The light is certainly complimentary to these colors, and reflects all over the place, creating a great ambient light effect with through the glass. So if you want an alternative lighting option, look into getting a stained glass lamp.

There are many places that offer stained glass lamps. They can be found at many furniture stores, but it is hardly guaranteed. If you go around to a few furniture stores and can’t seem to have any luck finding a stained glass lamp, then you should look into a few alternative sources. The internet is a great source for stained glass lamps. The best part is that you won’t be confined to the stock of a certain store, and you will have literally thousands of different types of lamps available for you to order. They will be shipped very safely, and will be insured from sustaining any damage on the trip.

If you are not comfortable with buying your lamp online, you can check at several other outlets. First, you can try thrift stores and pawn shops. I have found that by buying secondhand items and furniture, you will get not only the best deal, but also some of the most interesting and unique pieces of furniture. So look up local pawn shops in the phone book, and see if you can make it to all of them in a big loop. Pawn shops are one of your best bets when finding furniture that is out of the ordinary, so don’t forget them when making your search.

You can also buy a stained glass lampshade to go on whatever lamp you previously had. This is a smart choice, and will save you money from completely replacing the bottom part of the lamp. You should just be sure that whatever base you have will look good with the stained glass lamp shade that you purchase. As long as you are sure about the type of lamp that you want, you should be happy with your purchase, and you will find it adds a nice ambience to whatever room you place it in.